Thursday, March 22, 2012


The weather here in the mid-west has been great, just like spring should be warm and rainy. Now a few days it was a little to warm when it got into the 80's (for march at least) but I love the warm, damp feeling in the air. The birds are chirping, out busy building their nest and the dormant flowers are starting to poke their heads up through the moist soil.

So, today it's been raining on and off and I've been out taking pictures when I can of my favorite "Spring" things.
                                 Just put my hummingbird feeder can't wait for them to arrive!
                                           Old Fashion Bleeding Heart (one my favorite plants)
                                                      Another favorite plant: Hostas

Monday, March 12, 2012

In the beginning...

Well everything has to start somewhere right? So this is the beginning of my new blog. I'm not sure how often I will be on here or what this will really turn into. So for now I'll just see where this road leads... are you ready for the journey? Not all who wonder are lost.